Seven Evangelistic Considerations For Every Christian

I recently asked some college students if they had ever led someone to Christ, start to finish.  Almost half a dozen of the fifty or so students in the room said that they had done this in their lives.  While we know that God opens the heart, we also know that people cannot believe without a clear witness.  So, here is a condensed version of a presentation I made on this subject to some collegians last Friday.

1.  Capture The Day. It is important to remember that it is God and His Word that will change a life.  Even the hardest heart cannot stand against Him.  So dream big and expect God to use you.  You may not get a second chance!

2.  Be Intentional. Since we encounter people through the power of the gospel we need to plan our relational encounters.  Plan to share Christ with the people you meet.  Anticipate that God will open hearts.

3.  Train and Model It. Most Christians are not trained in how to share their faith so find someone who does it well and learn from them.  Start by asking your pastor or spiritual mentor to assist you.  While you are at it, memorize 15-20 key Scripture verses, you will need them.  Can you imagine a soldier being sent into a conflict without thorough training?  No way.  Once you learn how to present the gospel, find ways to practice it and then teach someone what you have learned and practice.  People need great models in this area.

5.  Consider Your Gifting. Not everyone is an outgoing evangelist but everyone can do something based upon their specific abilities.  Maybe you can bake?  Then bake your neighbor or friend a pie or some brownies.  If you can change oil in a car, then change the auto oil for a single mom.  Various acts of kindness can open a window to the gospel.  But remember, everyone is responsible to tell others about Christ.

6.  Materials And Methods. Here are a few things to use and some ways to use them.

a.  Share your story.  Ask friends and relatives what is important to them and then share why Christ is important to you.  People like to talk about important things and they like to hear great stories.  Use to disclose your story and direct people to it.  Ask them to read your story online and then to send you their insight from your story.

b.  Use tracts…yes they are old fashion but they open discussion and give you an avenue to stay connected.

c.  The Web makes things easy and efficient.  Scarf ideas from or  Refer people to .  Make a wordpress blog.  A blog is easy and free.  You can quickly learn how to make a blog through instruction on YouTube.  Of course, talk about Christ on F’book or Twitter.

d.  Host a party!  Birthday, seasonal, or sports parties/tailgates are always a great invite.  When people see how you live they can then understand what you believe.

e.  Go to and view the ‘intentional evangelism’ DVD.  It talks about intentionality, clarity, and how to have a spiritual discussion with your friends.

7.  Discover Venues.

a.  Go on a mission trip and share your story with others.  Then make plans to return and do it locally.

b.  Take a trip to Panama City Beach and work with the LifeWay BeachReach Spring break outreach.  It is a lot of fun and you WILL get to share your faith.

c.  How about inviting international students over for dinner.  They always accept.  Call your local college international student office and they will assist you.  Many leaders say that 7 out of every 10 students never go to an American home while they are in the U.S.

d.  Throw a tailgate party or block party.  Great events like this show that you care about others in your world.  They give you credibility and validation as a friendly person.

e.  Got a ping-pong table?  Invite neighborhood kids over to use it.  When you want to invite them to your church VBS program, they may go.

f.  Find a project to work on in your town.  Schools need painting, streets need cleaning, libraries need volunteers, etc.  You get the idea.  Go to places where people work or live.

8.  Celebrate. As you are able to share your faith and/or people receive Christ, don’t forget to rejoice.  Throw a party!  Have a cake and ice cream.  Videotape the story for others to see.  Share it on a blog.  This is important!

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